addressing environmental justice
Black children are disproportionately affected by lead poisoning with over 2 times (5.6ug/dL) the average blood levels
Communities of color have 1.54x higher exposure to air pollution.
Three out of five black Americans live with uncontrolled toxic waste in their communities
According to the Cleveland Clinic, the city of Cleveland has lead poisoning rates 4 times the national average.
remediating waste and communities
Communities of Color are disproportionately effected by environmental issues. Decades of racist city planning, banking, and industrial practices have poisoned communities and blighted neighborhoods. Biocycler is built to address these environmental injustices and is powered by Black Environmental Leaders like Concerned Citizens Organized Against Lead and My Grow Connect.

biocycler recycles construction and demolition waste into new materials
The new bioterials are made using microorganisms that bind loose construction and demolition (c&d) waste at a cellular level. The materials are structural, insulative, fire resistant, and sound attenuating. When paired with a weather-proof barrier these natural materials can replace almost all the materials in standard construction at a fraction of the cost and with a lower embodied footprint. When the weather-proof barrier is removed the materials are fully biodegradable. C&D materials that can be recycled include all woody materials like plywood, osb, framing, etc. gypsum board, ceiling tiles, asphalt shingles, and other organic based materials.